by SUKA Society | Sep 30, 2016 | Event, Opinion
We organized our SUKA Society Youth Camp from the 14th to 17th September in Outbac Broga Campsite, Semenyih. A total of 25 children and 7 volunteers participated in the camp. This year, we focused on developing the children’s confidence and resilience by giving...
by SUKA Society | Sep 29, 2015 | Event
On the 15 & 16 August 2015, SUKA Society organized a youth camp for refugee and Malaysian children. The objective of this camp is for the children to have fun. Article 31 of the UN Convention on the rights of the child states that every child has the right to play...
by SUKA Society | May 20, 2015 | empowered2teach, Event
Mount Kinabalu Charity Climb 2015 was held from the 11th to 14th of April 2015. The event was co-organised by SUKA Society and Suriana Welfare Society. The objective of the climb was to raise awareness and funds to support SUKA Society’s work of creating greater...
by SUKA Society | Feb 12, 2015 | AntiTraffickinginPersons, Event
Every festive occasion, we will try our best to celebrate it with the trafficked survivors. This year’s Chinese New Year, we had the opportunity to conduct an arts and crafts session with the children trafficked survivors. The survivors decorated their lovely...
by SUKA Society | Sep 17, 2013 | Campaign, Event
Weekend Getaway: Broga Hill, Semenyih, 7 & 8 September 2013 People get a little confused when we mention that SUKA Society was recently involved in organizing a refugee / Malaysian camp. No, we did not start a detention facility. Rather, a few of us got together...
by SUKA Society | Nov 8, 2011 | Event, News, SUKA Related
It’s possible to bring happiness with a little creativity, as our columnist discovers. A COUPLE of months ago, I wrote about being asked to organise a creative session with women who have been saved from trafficking and are waiting to go home. Well, as with most good...