Test form

Volunteer with us!

Areas of interest

These are some of the key areas in which our supporters can work hand-in-hand in the work that we do. Please indicate your interest for each of the work below.

Weekly activity slots with survivors of human-trafficking

Volunteers get to join us in conducting lively and fun sessions at the women and children government protection shelter to help trafficked survivors put their difficult experiences behind them. Volunteers who can help survivors learn income generating skills are much needed.

Developing of children’s rights materials to encourage children’s participation

Volunteers can help promote the rights of children by assisting us in creating child advocacy materials. The materials are created through a series of workshops that encourages children to voice their opinions. The materials will then be promoted to decision makers so that policies, laws and standards in the country.

Providing regular English training for Orang Asli teachers in their respective villages

Volunteers who live near any of our pre-school locations (Slim River, Gopeng, Gerik, Gua Musang & Tasik Bera) will have a unique opportunity to help our Orang Asli (OA) teachers improve their English proficiency. Our OA teachers are very passionate in their work to educate OA children in their village. However, they still require much needed support in developing their teaching abilities. Volunteers will need to help develop the teacher’s abilities in areas such as teaching English. We also need volunteers who can introduce art and craft ideas, children’s nursery rhymes, songs and games.

Teaching at refugee community-based learning centres

Volunteers get to help community based learning centres that are in constant need of volunteer teachers. Refugee and asylum seeking children currently do not have access to formal education. Without education, they are denied the ability to develop themselves mentally and intellectually for their future. Refugee communities have set up informal learning centres to provide education for children from their communities. SUKA Society works closely with some of these refugee community learning centres in Kuala Lumpur. Volunteers who are able to teach and commit consistently to teaching a particular class will be most welcomed.

Developing and Implementing mentorship programs

Volunteers can help develop and implement mentorship programs for unaccompanied and separated minors who are at risk of arrest and detention. Based on our case management program, SUKA Society works with refugee, asylum seeking, migrant and undocumented children below 18 who are here without their parents/formal guardian. These children lack positive role models in their lives, have very little access to fun educational activities and are at significant risk of engaging in undesirable activities. Most children are also forced to find employment in harsh conditions to be able to survive. Volunteers who are engaging, able to work with young people from difficult backgrounds, and able to coordinate and follow up consistently as a mentor are most welcomed.

Specialist Project Contributors

The work we do constantly require specialists such as lawyers, doctors, journalist, teachers, counsellors, and psychologists, who have invaluable knowledge and skills in helping vulnerable children.

Projects that are event based:

Fundraising Events to Build Capacity and Resources

SUKA Society is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that runs on private sponsorship. Our main source of funding is from concerned Malaysians who have the heart to protect vulnerable children through the work we do. We welcome any volunteers who may not have the time to volunteer on a regular basis but have the interest in organizing a fundraising event on our behalf. Resources gain from fundraising events will greatly empower us in our work.

Social Enterprise Projects to Build Capacity and Resources

A sustainable way for us build a strong resource base is to develop social enterprise projects for the organisation. We welcome volunteers who have entrepreneur skills who can help us develop ways to build our capacity through merchandizing or sale of items that would benefit the work.

Social Enterprise Projects to Build Capacity and Resources

Public awareness through initiatives such as campaigns against human trafficking or action to end children in detention can be done either through large-scale organised events or personally by sharing about the issue among family and friends. Volunteers who would like to initiate awareness campaigns at their workplace or in their schools or college are more than welcome to use the issues SUKA Society is championing as the cause for their campaign. We will do our best to help with information, campaign ideas and resources to ensure that your campaign is successful. We are also most than happy if you can invite us to give talks on the issues at your workplace, schools or college.

Due to the vulnerability of the children we work with and also to ensure the protection of children, please note the following:

SUKA Society briefs all volunteers and requires that they adhere to all relevant laws & standards that ensures the protection of children.
SUKA Society requires that all volunteers to disclose any information that would affect their suitability in working with children.
SUKA Society reserves the right to withdraw any volunteer's involvement with SUKA Society's programmes and activities.